Tami Melissa Photography is actually a soon-to-be husband and wife team – Ryan & Tami. We met right after high school and we’ve been best friends ever since. Our style of photography can best be described as photojournalistic with a modern appeal. We have a passion for the art of wedding photography and our inspiration comes from all of the heart-felt moments that take place throughout a wedding day. We love capturing the romance, playfulness, and unspoken connection between a bride and a groom.

We shoot weddings throughout Southern New Jersey and Philadelphia, but we are available for travel too! If you’re interested in talking with us about your wedding, engagement, or a fun session on the beach, please visit out website, www.TamiMelissaPhotography.com, and fill out the contact form.

We look forward to capturing the moments you’ve always dreamed of!

Ryan & Tami

Friday, October 10, 2008

Busy busy weekend ahead!

Its Friday morning, and I'm bracing myself for the weekend I have ahead of me! It may be busy, but it will definitely be well worth it too! Tonight Ryan and I are going to Shady Brook Farms in PA for a haunted hayride/corn maze/etc. with his grandparents and aunt and uncle. I definitely look forward to this every year! It's become sorta like a tradition... and i like traditions!
Tomorrow it going to be extra crazy. I am doing pictures of my friend Teri and her boyfriend Herb tomorrow. We're going to start out at 10am at the gazebo behind the Philadelphia Art Museum, and maybe take some pictures along boathouse row... then we're heading down to Ocean City at 2pm to take some more pictures of them down there. It will definitely be a lot of fun! Hopefully I'll have some of those pictures up before next weekend.
We then have to hurry back from Ocean City so that we can change into our FLYERS gear, and head to the Flyers home-opener versus the Rangers! This will be my first season not sitting in the first row (I know, boo hoo for me!) but the tickets more than quadrupled in price, so we had to give them up... but now we're in the 5th row in a different section, and the seats aren't too bad... I will just have to get used to people sitting in front of me! Hopefully I'll get some good pictures of the game, and i'll post them up here soon.
Then on Sunday, I am doing family pictures for my boss and her children and grandchildren, which should be interesting! I'm hoping that goes smoothly! And then after that, Ryan and I have to go shopping for some new suits for him, since he just got promoted to the Assistant Manager position at work.. Go Ryan!
On top of all of this, I have to study for my mid-term for Tuesday... so like I said, this is going to be a busy busy weekend! :)


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