Tami Melissa Photography is actually a soon-to-be husband and wife team – Ryan & Tami. We met right after high school and we’ve been best friends ever since. Our style of photography can best be described as photojournalistic with a modern appeal. We have a passion for the art of wedding photography and our inspiration comes from all of the heart-felt moments that take place throughout a wedding day. We love capturing the romance, playfulness, and unspoken connection between a bride and a groom.

We shoot weddings throughout Southern New Jersey and Philadelphia, but we are available for travel too! If you’re interested in talking with us about your wedding, engagement, or a fun session on the beach, please visit out website, www.TamiMelissaPhotography.com, and fill out the contact form.

We look forward to capturing the moments you’ve always dreamed of!

Ryan & Tami

Monday, November 24, 2008

Twilight Movie... and Updates!

I have got to say, I am completely satisfied with the movie adaptation of Stephenie Meyers best selling novel, Twilight! Obviously, the movie does not compare to the book with the way it makes you feel and the emotions that it brings forth, but it comes pretty darn close. Some parts were taken out, and some were changed around, but overall, I am really happy with it. I also love that Stephenie Meyer had a little cameo in the film! Of course I brought Ryan along with me, and as a non twilight fanatic, he enjoyed the movie as well, which proves that you don't have to be a twilighter to like this film! I am so thankful for the $70.5 million and still counting people that have gone to see this movie, because they have gotten the Green Light to start making the second book, New Moon into a motion picture! I cannot wait for the film adaptation of this highly anticipated saga to continue! If you haven't already, go see the movie! I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how good it is!!

So, I have been super busy these past few weeks! I can see the finish line for college graduation! I am only a couple weeks away, and as of about 8pm December 16th I will offically be done at Rowan University! I cannot wait! I only have a few more assignments, a test tomorrow night, and my final on 12/16 and I'm done! Woo hoo!
I have also been busy ordering prints for all of my clients... I have been so incredibly happy with the vendor I work with, they have such a fast turn-around time and the quality of their products is fantastic! I have also recently found a vendor that provides photographic guest books for weddings including the couples engagement pictures. It is so nice, and I am in the process of getting a sample right now to show clients!
Other than that, I'm just looking forward to booking more weddings, engagements and on-location portrait sessions!! Please feel free to contact me and Ryan at TamiMelissaPhoto@gmail.com to set up a time to meet with us to talk about investing in our services! And please visit www.tamimelissaphotography.com to check out our work and everything you need to know about us!! Thanks!! xoxo

Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Aunt & Cousins

Last weekend, I got to photograph my aunt and two of my favorite little people, my cousins Kylie and Jagger! We went to a park off of Evesham Rd. in Magnolia, and it turned out to be the perfect place to get some fall pictures! The leaves were absolutely gorgeous, and we could not have asked for a more perfect day! Below are some pictures from the day...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

My Family :)

Last weekend, my parents, younger brother, Ryan and I went to Cape May to the Lobster House for dinner. Before we went to dinner, we stopped off at the end of Beach Ave, where you can see the sunset and the beautiful lighthouse, to have some family pictures taken. Below are some of the pictures taken by Ryan and myself...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Breaking Dawn

You listen to me, Edward Cullen. I am not pretending anything for your sake, okay? I didn’t even know there was a reason to make you feel better until you started being all miserable. I’ve never been so happy in all my life – I wasn’t this happy when you decided that you loved me more than you wanted to kill me, or the first morning I woke up and you were there waiting for me… Not when I heard your voice in the ballet studio, or when you said ‘I do’ and I realized that, somehow, I get to keep you forever. Those are the happiest memories I have, and this is better than any of it. So just deal with it.
~Mrs. Bella Cullen

I just finished reading the final book in the Twilight series. The book was pretty much everything I expected with a couple surprises throughout. I did like that part of the final book was written from Jacobs perspective, and we got to learn a little about his feelings throughout the saga. I definitely couldn't put the book down, and it was such a great experience to read, but in the end... nothing entirely dazzled me about it. I mean, don't get me wrong, I loved the book, and I loved the way Stephenie Meyer wrote about it, but I don't feel as if I've gained anything from it. I guess I just expected it to be soo much MORE. I absolutely loved the first book, and by far, I think that was the best written and the one that drew me in the most... while reading books two and three, Stephenie's grip on me loosened a bit, and I was hoping that the fourth one would draw me back in and keep me wrapped tightly around it, but it didn't. It was almost too predictable and written around an event that didn't even take place. Alright, I might be giving too much away... but I have to say, please go read it for yourself! It is still a great book and a great saga, and it does have the perfect ending to the 4-book series!!

Now you know. No one’s ever loved anyone as much as I love you.

~Bella Cullen

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Sydney's First Halloween!

We adopted Sydney on January 28, 2008 from my dad's cousin Kathy who rescues dogs. We aren't sure how old she is or if she is a full bred Chihuahua, but to us, she's just a chunky Chihuahua :) Below are some pictures of her first Halloween with us... She was a Flyers Joker :) Isn't she adorable?
Me and Sydney... I was a kitty cat at work :)

Look at those eyes! She likes blow pops! lol

She didn't want to let it go