Tami Melissa Photography is actually a soon-to-be husband and wife team – Ryan & Tami. We met right after high school and we’ve been best friends ever since. Our style of photography can best be described as photojournalistic with a modern appeal. We have a passion for the art of wedding photography and our inspiration comes from all of the heart-felt moments that take place throughout a wedding day. We love capturing the romance, playfulness, and unspoken connection between a bride and a groom.

We shoot weddings throughout Southern New Jersey and Philadelphia, but we are available for travel too! If you’re interested in talking with us about your wedding, engagement, or a fun session on the beach, please visit out website, www.TamiMelissaPhotography.com, and fill out the contact form.

We look forward to capturing the moments you’ve always dreamed of!

Ryan & Tami

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My First Blog!

Hello, and welcome to My First Official Blog! Wow, I never thought I'd create a blog... but I figured I've been doing new things, so, why not? Life can get so busy, and I realized that I'd love to have somewhere to jot down anything and everything that is going on in my hectic life. I tried writing in a journal once, but I just don't have time for it because I'm on the computer all day, everyday, and being able to type 65 wpm helps a lot too...

So, I figured since this is my first blog, I'd give a brief history on myself.. my past, present, and all that fun stuff... where to start?

I've lived in the same town for pretty much my entire life. I have a 19 year old younger brother and two wonderful parents about to celebrate their 25th anniversary. I had some really great friends growing up, who definitely helped to mold me into the person I am today. I wish I was still close with some of them, but as you grow up, you lose touch, and its pretty upsetting... But the bond that we share is undeniable, and I'm sure if one of us needed the other, we'd be next to one another in a heartbeat... or at least I'd hope so...
I was never into sports. I did jazz, tap and ballet up until about sixth grade, but that wasn't my thing either. It wasn't until recently that I realized my undeniable passion for photography, but I'll get into that later. I may not be into playing sports, but I am a die-hard Philadelphia Flyers hockey fan! Girly girl / hard core hockey fan... great combo, huh?
I was a member of Young Life throughout my high school years. That organization really changed my life. It really gave me something to look forward to every week, and it really helped me to have faith in life and in myself. It really gives you a sense of belonging and what you mean in this world and how much you can really give back.
Since high school, I've been working and going to school... boring! While working for a bank, I went to the local community college and received my Associate of Science in Business Administration. I graduated with a 3.8 GPA and a member of the Permanent Deans List, as well as Phi Theta Kappa (The International Honor Society).

I am one class away from receiving my Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management. I start my final semester on September 9th! The beginning of the end... how bittersweet. Nah, its more sweet than anything! After all the class cancellations and time changes, its about time I receive my diploma, and hopefully see the benefits of a better salary at a better job! I am currently working for a staffing agency and gaining a bunch of experience, so that when I graduate, I can hopefully find a position that will take me as I am, and pay me a whole lot more, since I have my degree! I'm hoping at least!

I just started up my own photography business this summer called Tami Melissa Photography. I have been very passionate about Photography for as long as I can remember. I've always enjoyed taking photos, but never really thought of it as anything more than a hobby. It wasn't until just recently that I realized my passion could be more. I now want to take this interest to the next level. To turn this hobby into reality I have to take the initiative, get the professional mindset and give it all my heart. With this, I hope to construct my passionate hobby into a successful business! My fiance Ryan has helped me along the way, and we're hoping to build this business together. We're starting with friends and family to gain more experience, and hopefully by next summer we'll have our website up and a successful photography business taking off!

My Fiance
I cannot wait until Friday, May 13, 2011 at 6 o'clock in the evening in Laguna Beach, California when I will marry my best friend! Ryan and I met on August 14, 2003 at our place of employment. We had an instant connection that continued to grow throughout the next few years. When the timing was right, on November 12, 2006, Ryan had asked me to be his girlfriend. From that moment on, I felt like I was living in a dream... where everything goes right, and you don't want to pinch yourself for the fear that you might actually wake up from this perfect world. On January 13, 2008, in the Poconos, Ryan proposed to me, and of course I said Yes! We decided on Friday, May 13, 2011, in Laguna Beach, California because:
a. Its Friday the 13th! And we both love the number 13
b. 5 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 1 = 13
c. We want the sun to be setting while we get married
d. Who doesn't love a California sunset?
e. It will be the perfect gathering of all of our closest friends and family

What does the future hold? Who knows!? All I know is that I will have this awesome blog to document my adventures throughout it all! I'll chat about my final semester in college... the progress of my Photography business... updates on current books I'm reading... hopefully looking for a house within the next couple years... wedding plans... and the wonderful relationship with my best friend/fiance/prince charming!

I will end this long entry with my favorite quote, which seems very appropriate:

“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?”
~Vincent Van Gogh

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